X27 - An Initiative for the 2027 National Exhibition

“X27” is a completely new form of national exhibition. “X27” begins today and has an impact beyond 2027. It deals with our future: as people, as a society, as Switzerland.
Switzerland is a country full of potential and pioneers. A country filled with people who think about the future. We have institutions here that are working on the future. Communities want to help shape our future here. “X27” wants to bundle these forces and involve the entire population in the discussion about our shared future.
Over the next few years, “X27” will identify, unite and accompany projects and commitments throughout the country. This work will take place via various “Rendez-vous”, which will take place decentrally in all parts of the country. Via a digital platform and physical stages throughout Switzerland, which gather the projects, network them and make them visible. All of this will culminate at the nationwide “Rendez-vous with the future” in 2027.
“X27” enables the inhabitants of Switzerland to help shape our shared future – with all the ethical and human consequences. It is nothing less than the negotiation of a new self-understanding and a new way of living together in the face of major upheavals that are already taking place.
Arching Projects with Varying Radii
Starting today, “X27” is looking for future-oriented projects throughout Switzerland.These so-called “arching projects” that are committed to sustainability form the core of “X27”. These projects can be launched by private individuals, organisations or the public sector; some have already been launched.
X27 as a Platform

A public platform will be created for the “arching projects” – both digitally and as self-organised, decentralised meeting centres in various parts of the country. These platforms will enable private and public initiators, interested parties, researchers and developers to network, exchange ideas and reflect on their projects thereby creating synergies. The association “X27” has an expressed mission to organize, accompany and document the interdisciplinary exchanges.
The annual “Rendez-vous” make it possible for interested parties to get actively involved or to follow the development of the overarching projects. On the digital platform, all of Switzerland – and the world – can observe and influence the processes, projects and content of “X27”. The result of these connections is the creation of cross-industry partnerships and valuable links between society, culture, business and research.
X27 as an Event
The big “Rendez-vous” is set to take place in 2027 at a location that will prove to be the right one in the course of the project’s development. “Interim use” and “synergies” are the answers to the question surrounding the sustainability of a national exhibition.
The “overarching projects” will be staged on site, presented and further developed as a social experiment. The visitors themselves thus become part of the questions, the projects and the perspectives being invoked.